The beef on Stackers

In a burger-loving country such as ours, I am afraid I’m in the minority: I do not belong to any fan club paying homage to the artery-busting sandwich; nor am I a diehard burger lover that would go to lengths to push for the inclusion of the beef patty into the six basic food groups — and in that group they would most likely also include French fries, greasy chicken nuggets, fish sticks and thick flavorful milk shakes! But I do admit to enjoying a little indulgence once in a while. Please don’t tell my personal trainer that though, because I would vehemently deny it despite the added inches round the waistline!

The holiday season sees us stepping out of the house more often than not, waking up extra early to enjoy the cool misty morn to catch the traditional misa de gallo before work, or browsing around the Christmas night flea markets late after work, gift hunting that usually keeps us up past midnight. It is good to know that there are a few cozy diners that are still open during such hours, where you can linger and rest your weary feet and reward yourself with delightful food choices.

I was in Eastwood lately with my family. I remember that Stackers Burger Café was located somewhere around the area. I was commissioned to do food styling for their merchandising material a few months back. For the photo shoot I was to prepare sandwiches made of 100-percent Australian beef patties. I got to cook some in my own kitchen later because I had a lot of leftover patties from the shoot. And to my surprise, the patties alone sans the bun and the trimmings were delicious. I am no burger connoisseur, but I do know my beef, and I can say that it was dense and juicy at the same time. It was a delight!

Stackers is owned by the same group that successfully manages Peri Peri Grill House and Tokyo Café. For this venture, they kept the fast-food concept, but added a diner setting, encouraging customers to stay and linger for conversation over good coffee. And at the time we were there, it seemed a great idea, since I was tired from all the walking, and welcomed a rest. Benny, my husband — a serious meathead, but in a good way — was in need of his protein, and my daughters who are always scared they’ll tip the weighing scales, preferred the refreshments.

Stackers is indeed a burger oasis, with a wide variety of choices to satisfy every carnivore. It goes without saying that when it comes to patties, size does matter. A quarter of a pound is the standard weight of the Stacker classic with a choice of sauce depending on one’s taste. For those tempting the fates in search for the ultimate, there is the double stacker, the triple stacker, the massive and the extra massive, all with the healthy veggie trimmings on the side. I believe burgers don’t get any more serious than this. For that alone, Stackers are burgers worthy of high honor. And keeping with current trends to name stuff, I would include it in a list of “Top Burger Joints to Eat at Before You Die.” 

But you don’t have to wait until you’re dying — just make it a point to go and try Stackers before it’s too late.

If burgers aren’t literally one’s cup of tea, Stackers Burger Cafe serves other offerings such as salads, mozzarella sticks, chicken meals — not to mention a fine selection of hot and cold coffee preparations to match the more famous coffee bars around the vicinity. It’s a “everyone goes home happy” kind of diner.

The concept of fast food or food served in a matter of minutes to be devoured in a place where the ambience encourages one to relax and bide one’s time with great food and cheer is a good idea, especially during the holiday season. Great comfort burgers and coffee? Not a bad idea at all! 

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