8 ways to improve sleeping habits, according to Feng Shui experts

According to Feng Shui principles, how we design our homes and where we place or position significant items in the house, including the bed, affect the positive and negative energies in our environment.
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MANILA, Philippines — Can't sleep at night? For some strange reason, you cannot seem to make your eyes droop and doze off? There must be a negative energy preventing you from gently falling asleep and getting that much-needed shuteye. So, what is it that causes this discomfort?

Mattress Online turns to Feng Shui, which is an ancient Chinese traditional practice that is said to encourage harmony between us and our environment. According to Feng Shui principles, how we design our homes and where we place or position significant items in the house, including the bed, affect the positive and negative energies in our environment.

Feng Shui experts Suzanne Roynon, Inbaal Honigman and Denise O’Dwyer shared their analyses on how to harness positive energy and make it work to improve sleep quality.

1. Your furniture should be of matching sizes.

You might have created "imbalance" in your bedroom with your furniture choices, Roynon warned.

Furniture pieces like bedside tables and lamps must be of matching sizes to foster balance and harmony. Mismatched items can produce a sense of inequality and instability, which may seep into your daily life and family relationships and affect them.

2. Make space for oxygen to flow.

Sleep deprivation is often blamed on heat and snoring. Mitigate these by increasing the flow of fresh air and vital oxygen through a room.

Opening one window may not be enough, though, and using a fan is not so advisable, as it will only move hot air around.

Roynon suggested to open doors and windows elsewhere in the house to encourage air to move freely.

Honigman recommended “removing any obstruction” to create a good flow of energy.

3. Position your bed opposite the door but at an angle.

For the best quality of sleep, Roynon recommended placing your bed opposite to the door but moved off to one side or the other, creating a diagonal between door and bed.

By including a strong headboard against the wall, the arrangement will give you a sense of safety and prevent vulnerability. Never place the bed directly opposite the door as this can leave you feeling exhausted.

4. Keep your surroundings clean.

Feng Shui involves creating the smooth circulation of positive "Chi" (life-enhancing energy).

According to its principles, dust is one sign of energy stagnation. It is good to notice where dust settles, as it is an indicator of stuck energy affecting the occupants.

Roynon clarified that clutter actively works against good health and wellbeing, and is a magnet for accumulating dust. It is advised to clear out your floor-drobe, wipe down surfaces and clear unwanted items to significantly improve sleep quality.

5. Color your room.

Bathe your bedroom walls with a soothing color, such as earth tones, pastels or soft shades of blue and green. These can create a calming effect around the space and encourage relaxation, according to psychologist and Feng Shui practitioner Denise O’Dwyer. Avoid using bright and loud colors because they can be overstimulating and disrupt sleep.

Softer ambient lighting in your bedroom can also create a tranquil and cozy atmosphere. Check for any spots of excessive shadow and light them up, as the principles of Feng Shui suggest shadows can slow down the flow of energy.

6. Hang harmonious artworks on the wall.

Art, décor items and mementos can also subconsciously impact a room and may trigger negative thoughts and nightmares. Choose art and decorations that are calming and supportive, as the bedroom should be about rest, romance and relaxation, Roynon said.

Meanwhile, O’Dwyer suggested that selecting art or images that evoke serenity, balance and harmony is key to creating a restful environment. Avoid using images of water and excessive/bold decorations as this can create imbalance, she added.

7. Don’t sleep under heavy fixtures.

Avoid sleeping under heavy beams or ceiling fixtures. These can give a sense of increased pressure, making it more difficult to relax, explained O’Dwyer.

8. Avoid mirrors in your bedroom.

Feng Shui experts suggested removing any mirrors in your bedroom. But if this is not possible, opt for wardrobes with built in mirrors inside instead. According to Janine Lowe, if you can see yourself or the bed through the reflection, it can cause restlessness and disturbed sleep.

“The art of Feng Shui helps align and harmonize all energies in the house, and, as a result, affects all those in the house, creating a balanced environment. When we feel aligned, we are calmer, work more efficiently, have a better mood, and can rest more effectively,” said Honigman.

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