
Cebu News

Dengue cases in city traced to dish drains, water dispensers


CEBU, Philippines – Dish drain and water dispensers are the favorite breeding sites of mosquitoes in Cebu City which consistently remains on top in cases of dengue incidence in the region.

Department of Health (DOH-7) Regional Dengue Program Coordinator Dr. Jocelyn Abellana bared that in the continuing battle against dengue in Cebu City, it was found that the Aedes Egypti Mosquitoes’ desired breeding areas are in dish drains and water dispensers.

Of the total 2,461 dengue cases in Central Visayas from January to July 9, this year, Cebu City has the highest number of cases with 546 cases or 22 percent while Talisay City is very far behind in second place with 132 or a mere five percent.

Out of the 18 deaths this year from dengue, six deaths were recorded from Cebu City and one in Talisay City, this is said.

Abellana urged all households to constantly check any collection of water in their dish drain and water dispenser because in their inspection, most dengue-carrier mosquitoes lay their eggs in these containers.

“Most of the dengue cases originate indoors and this is also the findings of a research study conducted by the International Health for Tropical Medicine that showed productive containers for dengue breeding sites are mostly found indoors,” Abellana said.

In the Philippines, the productive containers for dengue are the dish drain and tires. In Myanmar, it is the flower vase and pots in Mexico while in Thailand, the toilet tanks are found to be the most productive container of dengue, according to Abellana.

“Please constantly clean your dish drain and water dispenser and make sure no stagnant water is found because any water collection that reaches a few days will turn positive of eggs from dengue-mosquito carriers,” Abellana emphasized.

The dengue program coordinator added that the dengue-carrier mosquitoes also prefer rain-filled water as she urged the public to tightly cover water drums in storing water this rainy season as it is not enough to just place a lid over the drum but this should be tightly closed to ensure that mosquitoes do not breed in the water container.

Abellana said they are still waiting for the finalization of a program that makes the DOH-7 a recipient of treated bednets to ward Aedes mosquitoes. “We plan to prioritize the schools especially the Grade 3 and 4 students in Cebu City and Lapu-Lapu City,” the DOH-7 official disclosed.

The DOH-7 is also waiting for the fogging machines to be sent by their central office to augment any city or municipality that might need assistance in addressing an alarming rise in dengue cases, this is learned.

But Abellana stressed that the use of fogging machines are only done during outbreaks as this is not regularly recommended.

“There must be at least two fogging cycles to effectively ward off the dengue-carrying mosquitoes because one cycle is useless. But to optimize the effectiveness of fogging, four cycles are needed,” Abellana bared.

With the onset of the rainy season, Abellana warned of possible rising cases of dengue as she advised the public not to be too complacent as dengue can be acquired indoors already. — /WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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