
Cebu News

Ex-barangay exec is indicted for estafa


CEBU - A former barangay councilwoman in Madridejos town was indicted for estafa after she allegedly duped a young seaman into a relationship with her using a fictitious identity, asking money from the latter for a supposed business investment.

Maria Dolores Santillan, former councilwoman of barangay Kangyawan, Madridejos, assumed the fictitious character of 22-year-old Zenate to defraud a seaman from Bantayan Island of almost P200,000.

Richard Mata said he was in Manila sometime in 2005 to process his papers for abroad when his cousin received a text message from an unidentified person asking if they could be textmates.

Since his cousin did not have a load, Mata said he replied “okey” to the texter. According to Mata, the texter called up and introduced herself as Zenate.

Since then, they allegedly became textmate and eventually “sweethearts” through text until the middle of this year.

Mata admitted in his affidavit that he fell in love with Zenate, especially after seeing a supposed picture of her, which he later found out to be enlarged picture cut out from a magazine.

Mata said because of his love for Zenate whom he said serve as his inspiration while working abroad as a seaman he already offered marriage to her. Mata said he found “happiness and solace” in Zenate’s sweet text messages while he was away.

Although they have been sweethearts since 2005, Mata said he never met Zenate in person because the latter is always making alibis that she was busy tending to her family business.

Sometime in January 2007, Zenate allegedly called him telling that she has borrowed P107,000 from Santillan, whom she claimed to be her friend, for her poultry business.

Zenate allegedly asked money from him to pay for the amount she borrowed from Santillan as it is needed for the hospital.

According to Mata, he refused at first but because of his “overwhelming love” for her and the explanation that the money was invested in a poultry business for their future, he agreed and deposited the amount to the bank account of a certain Maricar Mangubat.

In April 2008, Zenate again asked P70,280 from him which he again gave through the bank account of Letecia Aloro. On July 11, 2008, Zenate asked another P20,000 which was sent through Western Union directly to Santillan allegedly as payment for the piglets she purchased for a piggery business she started for their future.

However, on July 15 when Mata went home to Bantayan, he found out that he was just being fooled by Santillan. In her counter-affidavit, Santillan admitted that she and Zenate are one and the same person.

However, Santillan denied receiving the P107,000 and the P70,280 allegedly deposited by Mata to the bank accounts of her friends. She admitted receiving the P20,000 which was sent to her through the Western Union.

According to her, she did not deceive Mata, claiming that it was him who offered her the amount.

However, the Cebu Provincial Prosecutors’ Office found probable cause to hold her for trial for estafa.

Provincial Prosecutor Pepita Jane Petralba approved the filing of the case in court and recommended P42,000 bail for her temporary liberty. – Fred P. Languido/LPM (THE FREEMAN)

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