
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Ewww!!! Bacteria In Your Phlegm


Been in an ewww situation?

"Ewww" is when you touch the underside of your table, find a stale gum sticking there for quite some time now and discover that it has changed its color and smell.

Now that's disgusting…ewww!!!

Just like the bacteria in your phlegm. But more than disgusting, the bacteria in your phlegm can be very dangerous as well.

The Ewww Phlegm

We all know that coughing is an involuntary action by the body to clear a blockage or irritant from the body's airways. Phlegm is an irritant that needs to be expelled from the body especially when it becomes excessive.

There is possible health risk if phlegm is not expelled from the body. But do you know why? Bacteria. Bacteria stick and reproduce on the phlegm.

Normally, our body's airways produce mucus, which is swept along by tiny hairs called cilia. If mucus becomes thick and excessive, irritants can stick to it, thus, making it difficult for the cilia to sweep away the mucus. This can result to bacteria build-up. And when there are bacteria, serious infection can happen.

Out Of The Sticky Situation

Now that you are made aware of the equation and the gravity of the possible outcome (cough / phlegm ' bacteria ' infection) you are not about to just sit down and do nothing when you have cough, right? You should not wait for your cough to get worse.

(Carbocisteine) Solmux should help you out of this sticky situation. Simple. Because Solmux is Carbocisteine, it helps reduce the viscosity of the phlegm, thus, making it easier for you to expel. That's what we call BACTERIA EXPEL ACTION: getting rid of the phlegm and the bacteria trapped in it.

No more ewww!

Just ahhh! Relief from cough with phlegm. Relief because you know that whatever possible bacteria that are trapped in your phlegm are also expelled.

(Carbocisteine) Solmux. Tanggal plema, tanggal bacteria (bacteria trapped in phlegm). Ang gamot na may ibubuga!

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