
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

Refreshing theme for a “kilig” movie


Star Cinema’s “One More Chance” got a big nod from the Cinema Evaluation Board ahead of its opening last week. The board gave it a B rating, and the way I see it, “One More Chance” has the makings of a sure-fire hit.

Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd Cruz have stepped out of their cute-and-cuddly roles to assume more mature characters. In One More Chance they’re young professionals trying to move up in the career ladder and at the same time saving enough for their marriage. They belong to a close-knit barkada which also serves as their support group whenever their relationship gets awry. Things take a turn for the worse when Bea can’t stand John Lloyd’s being a control freak and asks for space. He couldn’t understand why she’s acting up and that’s when the sparks fly.

The film sends a strong message for women empowerment, and that’s a refreshing theme especially when woven into what I consider a “kilig” movie.

Bea and John Lloyd also break new ground by getting into some steamy love scenes. Goodbye to their goody-goody image.

All in all, “One More Chance” is a must-watch film.

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Pops Fernandez and Jomari Yllana living in?

Technically, no, clarifies Pops. “Not necessarily living in, but I don’t deny the fact that we spend more time together,” she said during the presscon for her concert Divalicious at the Araneta Coliseum on December 8.

But she was quick to add that she doesn’t recommend such a relationship for unmarried teenagers. “It’s much better if they get to know each other better.”

She refused to answer the question who sleeps in whose house. So let’s leave it at that.

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Gloria Romero is the latest victim of a carjacking. Last Wednesday, her driver was easing her Starex van into the garage of her house in New Manila, Quezon City, when four men with guns burst into the gate. Police said the gunmen surrounded the van and one of them struck the driver in the face. The others grabbed the I-Pod of Gloria’s grandchild, who was in the van. The actress saw what was happening from a window in the house but she was too terrified to act.

Some of the suspects drove off in the van and the others followed in Toyota Vios.

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Lindsay Lohan had a brief stint inside a jail last week. She was searched, fingerprinted and put in a cell in Los Angeles for a drunken driving offense.

She stayed in jail for an hour and 24 minutes before being released. Why the short stay? Police said she was “cooperative” and that the cell was overcrowded.

Lohan is no stranger to jails. In May, the 21-year-old star was arrested after crashing her Mercedes-Benz into a tree in Beverly Hills. She was back in jail two months later, this time after she chased the car of the mother of a former personal assistant.

She later reached a plea deal on misdemeanor drunken driving and cocaine charges.

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The risks of cosmetic surgery were a hot topic last week after the mother of recording artist Kanye West died after having a cosmetic procedure.

Sources said Donda West, 58, had such an operation, but her publicist denied it.

An autopsy will be performed however to determine if she died of possible surgery complications.

According to CNN, a cosmetic surgeon refused to operate on West after she consulted him in June. The surgeon said West contacted him again saying she was ready, but he insisted on a medical clearance.

Before managing the career of her son, Donda West was a college professor for 31 years.

She recently published a book titled Raising Kanye: Life Lessons From the Mother of a Hip-Hop Star.

Still in grief, Kanye West pulled out of a performance at the annual Victoria’s Secret fashion show.

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