
Freeman Cebu Business

Education key to bracing for ASEAN integration

Grace Melanie L. Lacamiento - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - A cohesive plan of educating Philippine companies about the international unified market will help prepare business players for the ASEAN economic integration by 2015.

This according to Patrick Lawrence Tan, chief executive officer of Global-Link MP Events International Inc., who also encouraged businesses to continue participating in trade expositions and exhibitions for them to be aware of the current trends in the market and identify their unmet needs to stay ahead of the game.

GLMP recently organized two trade exhibits, the 17th Manufacturing Technology Cebu and the PackprintPlas Cebu, that were held last July 25 to 27 at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel.

Asked if the Philippines is already prepared for the economic integration two years from now, the exhibition organizer said companies should be able to understand first how it can affect the country’s economy.

“We will be if we start being enthusiastic about it. We cannot be prepared if we are in the first place, unaware of what this is all about. We have to know its depth,” Tan told The FREEMAN.

He cited that there has to be an integrated information drive to educate industry players on the advantages and disadvantages of the ASEAN economic integration.

“We have to know what we’re getting into so that we also are aware of what to do when it’s there. We have to be prepared, armed and ready to face the challenge that will take the Philippine economy to the next level,” he added.

He further noted that although it may seem disadvantage at first, Philippine companies do actually have an advantage of having a small market against global players who usually prefer larger markets which means less competition for the former.

He said that since most of the Filipino businesses work on niche markets, they are more focused on the particular demands, thus making it easier for them to deliver quality business.

Citing that the competition in the consumer market has gone stiffer,Tan said that companies need to strategize to be visible for their target markets.

He added for instance that participating in exhibitions will help them stand out among others and expand their networks at the same time.

He shared that the level of participation of companies at present when it comes to expositions has become notable as more businesses have become active in joining business conferences and attending international exhibits.

He said that events such as expositions and exhibitions could enable companies to stand out of the competition and prepare themselves to face the global market.

Tan also remained confident that Filipinos can manage to go through the ASEAN unified market taking into account their resilience and flexibility to varying circumstance.

“Yet, knowing is just the first step. We should act on it, not when it’s already there but starting today,” he concluded.  (FREEMAN)


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