PAL is RP's 'most trusted' airline brand

MANILA, Philippines - For the ninth year in a row, Philippine Airlines emerged as the most trusted airline brand for Filipino consumers, according to an annual, Asia-wide survey by the respected international publication Reader’s Digest.

The “Trusted Brands 2010” survey covered thousands of consumers in eight Asian markets – the Philippines, Hong Kong, India, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand – to identify brands that appeal most to them.

In the Philippine survey, PAL garnered the Platinum award, the highest accolade, in the airline category. The flag carrier has won the Platinum prize in every Reader’s Digest survey since 2002.

“Achieving Trusted Brands status is a genuine recognition of consumers’ approval. The survey reflects consumers’ choice of their most trusted and favorite brands among the thousands available in the market,” said the magazine.

Survey respondents are asked to name their most trusted brand and then to rate it, based on six qualitative criteria: Trustworthiness and Credibility, Quality, Value, Understanding of Customer Needs, Innovative, and Social Responsibility.

Brands with scores more than three times that of their competitor, or with a score at least double of their nearest competitor and an average rating of at least 4 points (out of a possible 5) on the qualitative criteria, receive the Platinum award.

Those surveyed were well-educated, aged 20 and above, and made up the top 50 percent of affluent consumers in Asia, said Reader’s Digest.

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