Philippines up for ‘most desirable country’ award

The island of Palawan
The STAR/File photo

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines has been nominated as the “most desirable country” at the 22nd Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards in the United Kingdom. Also nominated are Cebu and Palawan as most desirable region and island, respectively.

In a statement on Friday, Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco welcomed these nominations. She said that these are a testament to the country’s “timeless beauty,” especially with three million foreign arrivals in the country.

“These recognitions are also a reflection of the relentless efforts made to open up the Philippines again to tourism and travel with a stronger foundation focused on infrastructure, connectivity, digitalization and an enhanced overall tourism experience,” she said.

Last year, Wanderlust named Costa Rica the best most desirable country in the world, while Palawan was recognized as the Most Desirable Island in the world.

According to its website, the Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards are free to enter for tourism boards, tour operators, and destinations.

The winners will then be decided by an independent panel of experts, travelers and Wanderlust readers.

The Department of Tourism encouraged the public to “showcase [their] love for the Philippines” by voting through Wanderlust’s website. Voting for the awards is open until Oct. 18, 2023.
The awarding will be held in November at the British Museum. —Intern, Ingrid Alexandrea Delgado

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