Counting down

I can now count with my fingers the number of days left before the election. This is the day that we all have prepared for with debates, campaigns, rallies, and even online squabbles. I couldn't keep track of how many so-called Facebook friends I have deleted. They say politics shouldn't get in the way of relationships, but to me it is a reflection of how much you care for the country.

With the number of days left, we have already seen manifestations of crimes which are politically motivated. For example, the ambush of Police Lieutenant Colonel Chuck Barandog and wife Yvonnie Cania onboard their marked vehicle. The pick-up had stickers of the STL partylist plastered to it; an identification that would help first nominee Cania as she made her rounds for the campaign.

Although the motive is still unclear, we question the timing. Apart from the incident, a barangay official was also shot dead in Bohol the same night the ambush transpired. He was a staunch supporter of a mayoralty candidate, which could have caused his death. Other local candidates are also claiming that they have been harassed by supporters. The worst reports are threats to their lives.

If this is the cost to run for office just to serve, then is it worth it at all? I can only remember my grandparents telling me when I was young that politics is like a chaotic circus. Everyone performs to please but at the end of the show is a gruesome facility. It seems like we have forgotten the concept of democracy and why this was born in the first place. I'm somewhat convincing myself that our behavior towards the elections stem from a mishap during the colonial period. Had our culture not been embedded in too much corruption from the Spaniards then the Commonwealth would have been a great method of allowing us to practice governance.

I still believe though, that in the few days left decisions can be changed. In all fairness, candidates have been making use of the time to make rounds together with their supporters who are also sacrificing for them. For those who are undecided on whom to vote for or have resolved to skip the elections, this is your chance to change history. I look forward to another administration that will ultimately take our country out of the rut where it is now.

I'm also excited for the days after the election --that's where the crucial times begin. We wait for the results while dealing with anxiety and trust issues versus the Comelec. There will be those who will question the authenticity of the votes, especially when they are at the losing end. The transition from one administration to the next will also be exciting. I just can't wait, I keep on counting down.

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