The true essence of education

Aristotle believed that educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

The major problem I have seen in society is the new trend of living the way anyone perceives himself to be more advanced than the others.

Today, it seems to be a critical issue particularly in some professionals which the sound of silence speaks about how poor or weak we are in understanding the foundations of education and the system which have resulted in producing less-mannered individuals.

A lot of smart-looking individuals, trying to be witty in front of others or in their respective workplaces who might stand in defense of their high level of proficiency and that can even talk flawlessly but forget the purpose of communication which is to connect people rather than building a gap or threading false.

There’s a variety of philosophies of education that might be relevant and either be hindering or facilitating factors of education.

First, Essentialism theory tells that a person should learn the essentials like 3R's; reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The person can now live since literacy and numeracy are life skills but still cannot assure the essence of education to man. There were many fault makers and criminals who are literate nowadays.

Second, Perennialism, emphasized utilizing great books to educate a man. Does it assure great impact to a man and be considered educated?

Third, Progressivism. This theory tells that education is learning by doing. It strengthens the concept of Law of Exercise by Edward Thorndike. Progress is both a task and a reward. One can be rewarded for a task done but doesn't make sense to all types of persons knowing that we all have different paces and time for progress.

Fourth, Existentialism. This tells that education is through having individual choices but people always have their different choices. They always have different points of view, different perceptions of persons, and even to any situation they are into. Everything does exist according to purpose.

Fifth, Behaviorism. This theory explains the vital role of behavior and character building of a person into learning or maximizing education.

You can be informed or schooled with the above four theories but you cannot be called educated without the last theory. The behavior or character of a person makes him completely educated.

Therefore, being able to know ABC and 123, collect and read the greatest books available, show both personal and academic growth, and defend personal choice and be firm in decisions to make won't make a man educated. All these are useless unless you put a passionate character and behavior of humility in your heart.

Remember that your degree is a fruit of hard work and perseverance but your good reputation and dignity are the priceless profits of the strong character and humble behavior you have poured.

Don't get tired of being a well-educated and well-mannered person. In this way you can encourage others to show the essence of education; being an inspiration.

Algene Traya Radana


Canlumampao Elementary School

Division Of Toledo City

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