An alarm of a kind

It is not difficult to imagine that this article may be considered more as an alarmist point of view than simply off tangent. I was amused to read some comments from my readers harboring opposite convictions on previous other topics that i have written. There were kind words of approval that warmed my heart meeting harsh statements of dissent that caught my eye. But, if I get vociferous reactions to this write-up, I will have more than achieved my objective.

Buried deep in the distressing reports about COVID-19 and the West Philippine Sea, are the disturbing weather bulletins issued daily by the PAGASA in the last few weeks. My scouring the internet, my readings of profound opinion makers and my listening to well-known broadcasters in addition to putting my ear on the ground reveal our people’s preferences. For instance, we react passionately to the invasion and occupancy by communist China of some islands located inside exclusive economic zone of the Philippines. Coupling such reactions is our condemning President Rodrigo Duterte, for playing footsie with these Chinese invaders. We blame, in damning critique, the current Duterte administration for its unintelligent way of addressing the pandemic problem. Yet, we hear very little comments of the PAGASA accounts that in Luzon, as it is in the Visayas, the temperatures have been breaching record levels. More noticeably, water supply is getting scarcer by the day. Apparently, the environment receives far less important attention and it seems that government gives it no premium concern either.

Years ago, I dug two open wells in my small property in the mountain barangay of Paril. I did the digging in separate months and from the first well, I allowed my neighbors to use water for their bathing, laundry and other needs. There was a time when drought parched the earth and potable water from their usual source became scarce. I then added the second well and when health authorities confirmed that it was potable, I also allowed my neighbors to get their drinking water from there.

Two Saturdays ago, upon my visit to Paril, I met new faces doing their laundry at my first open well. I observed that they felt awkward with my presence and so I decided to act friendly. After starting a casual talk with them, I learned that they are living in the next sitio. They proceed to tell me that earlier they also got water from my second well the reason being that their usual sources had dried up. Their information added weight to the alerts issued by weather men that this summer we should expect higher heat indexes and lesser volume of water.

Now, here is my alarm belated though it is. While government must implement whatever programs it has to bring water to thirsty residents, it has to revisit its plans to conserve water and maintain abundant supply for the next generation. Let me alert our authorities that the supply of water has dwindled dangerously low. The appearance in my open wells of residents coming from nearby sitios proves this. Current programs to bring water to residents are needful but futuristic plans to conserve water are necessary.

I remember having written about the need to construct a dam in barangay Lusaran or in the Cambinocot-Paril area. On rainy days, the Lusaran (Cotcot River) rampage its floodwaters to the seas. A dam should contain the useless flow and keep the water for forward use. A measure like this or any other similar undertaking has to be pursued actively, or else!

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