EDITORIAL - Dumping what is important

Work goes on in the dolomite beach in Manila Bay. Yesterday saw another load of dolomite sand being dumped in the artificial beach. Observers also noted decorative rocks arranged in attractive patterns on the sand.

Along with that fresh load of dolomite sand came an outpouring of public opinion against what people see as an unnecessary expense in this time of difficulty.

We already called this project an extravagance that we cannot afford at this time and we still stand by that statement.

The fact that this so-called beautification project cannot be enjoyed by the people whose taxes are paying for it anytime soon --four months according the some sources-- plus the fact that the dolomite never really seems to stay put for very long, rubs even more salt into the wound.

Those who insist that the project has already been planned long before the pandemic broke out, and that certain appropriations have been made and cannot be changed, otherwise there may be liabilities if payments are not made to contractors might have a point.

However, the fact remains that money better used for other purposes is being spent for something that will be of little or no benefit to anyone in the near future.

Many families are still feeling hunger because of jobs lost as a result of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns. Many places still need facilities for people sick with severe COVID-19. Our contact tracing efforts are still coming up short of expectations. Surely the government must see the need to at least realign some of those resources for more important purposes and projects.

Purposes and project that have actual importance at this time and can mean life or death for some people.

Along that line perhaps it is also time to make some adjustments to how our system works. A system that cannot make adjustments when it is clear there are more pressing needs than others is a flawed one that should be corrected or replaced immediately.

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