Positive attitudes during COVID

The coronavirus is still spreading. People are out of work. Schools are not open. You are home too much and your mask is hot. And you are not even on a vaccine list!

If you’re feeling stressed, you are not alone.

However, keeping a positive attitude can go a long way in managing these difficult times.

Don't let negative thoughts pollute you during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is community --family, friends, or a church community or mosque-- even if connection is by zoom or video chat.

Also, you can help ease anxiety by avoiding anything that is not based on fact. Wild rumors abound on social media. Even many "news" stations are really just disguised opinionated talk shows (try BBC or Al Jazeera for improved international objectivity).

The chance that you discovered something on the internet that all the top research scientists in the world overlooked is highly unlikely. Snopes.com is one place to do fact checking.

These practices will help maintain a positive outlook:

1.) Gratitude - There are always things to be thankful for. For those who have a job, family, or your health --be thankful.

2.) Faith - Any kind of faith really helps strengthen us.

3.) Routine - Maintain a routine for each day. Be sure to walk or exercise.

4.) Helping others - Think about what practical things you can do to help people.

5.) Enjoy the little things - Look out at nature and notice everything with fresh eyes. Learn more about ecology. Clean the local beach or park with your church or friends.

6.) Enjoy dogs, cats, and all living things. Be kind to children.

Richard Baker

American citizen retired in the Philippines

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