The smartest US presidents were democrats

Most of the Filipinos in America are more inclined to vote Democrats. The states where there are most Filipinos are California, Hawaii, Washington, Nevada, Illinois, and New York, and these are considered blue states because of their consistent support for the Democratic Party.

My research on the 45 US presidents, from Washington to Trump, indicates that most of the presidents who had superior IQ were Democrats. In terms of IQ, the most brilliant president was not really the best according to American historians. He was John Quincy Adams, the eighth president, and son of the second president, John Adams. He was a Harvard graduate with sterling academic record and a lawyer who spoke seven languages. He was an outstanding orator. His IQ was 175. He belonged to the Democratic-Republican Party.

The second, with an IQ of 160 was Thomas Jefferson. Aside from being a top-caliber lawyer, he was a mathematician, engineer, and architect, and spoke several languages. He was responsible for the purchase of Louisiana, and under his presidency he doubled the size of US territory. He was also a Democratic-Republican. Jefferson was for more for human rights while his protagonist, Alexander Hamilton was for a stronger government with more state powers. Thus Hamilton was a true Republican and Jefferson a genuine Democrat.

President John F. Kennedy, the 35th president, was often hailed as the most beloved by the Americans. He founded the US Peace Corps. He was wounded in the World War II and was a Nobel Peace Prize winner. He was assassinated in 1963 after he triumphed over Russia in the Cuba missile crisis. He showed grit, firmness, and courage, yet was very charming and was linked with many women including the famed Marilyn Monroe. His wife Jacqueline Bouvier was one of the most elegant first ladies. After being widowed, she married Greek tycoon Onassis. JFK was the most famous Democrat in his time. His IQ was also 160.

Next are Bill Clinton, another Democrat with an IQ of 159. He was the 42nd president, immensely popular but because of one young woman, White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton was impeached by the Lower House. The Senate acquitted him on the ground that what he did wasn’t right but it wasn’t an impeachable offense. Following him is Barack Obama, with an IQ of 155, and the first and only African-American to occupy the White House. Both Clinton and Obama left the presidency with very high approval ratings. They earned millions later in terms of public speaking and book publications. Obama is one of the present pillars of the Democratic Party.

The sixth was the fourth president James Madison, a Democratic-Republican with an IQ of 155. The seventh brainiest was John Adams, the second president, with an IQ of 155. He was an experienced diplomat appointed to many countries in Europe before and after his presidency. He was a Federalist. The eighth was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, with an IQ of 150. He was the only president who was elected four times in a row from 1933 up to his death in 1945 while in office. The ninth was less-known Millard Filmore, the 13th president and the last of the Whigs. His IQ was 149. The tenth was Franklin Pierce, another Democrat with an IQ of 147. Rutherford Hayes, the 19th president had an IQ of 146, Andrew Jackson, the seventh president also had 146 IQ.

President George Washington had 140, Abraham Lincoln 142, Lyndon Johnson 140, George Bush, the father 143, George Bush (the son) 139, Richard Nixon 132, Ronald Reagan, 130. There is no correlation between greatness and high IQ, but the fact remains that Democrats have higher IQs than Republicans.

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