Unexpected results

The lockdowns and quarantines all over the world may have produced some unexpected results. The aim was to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which is currently ravaging Europe and other countries. Since people no longer go out, the animals have come out. Like nature reclaiming what they have lost to man. Reports of dolphins swimming so close off the coast of Italy since the large cruise ships are no longer docked. They have a place to swim around again. In Venice, Italy, there are swans silently floating on the canals that are normally polluted and full of gondolas and tourists. They now rest peacefully, beautiful to see. For certain, many other species of birds have found places now devoid of people. I would love to see an eagle soaring over Metro Manila just like the ones in Hong Kong and Singapore.

In Singapore, otters have leisurely claimed the area around the Merlion and adjacent park. At an airport in Tel Aviv, a family of geese walks through the tarmac undisturbed in an almost single file since most flights have been grounded and personnel absent. In Nara, Japan, deer stroll inside the train stations and streets. These are just a few of the examples where the animals have taken their turn to enjoy what we have taken from them a long time ago. But there are situations where animals accustomed to humans are reacting negatively. With no humans to feed them, they now actively look for food themselves right where humans live. An example would be the monkeys in Bangkok. I do hope zoos all over the world are not neglecting their animals.

I mentioned in a recent article if you noticed the quality of the air now that there are much fewer vehicles on the road. A report from the DENR says the air quality in Metro Manila has improved. All this takes place in less than two weeks of quarantine. Could we see a cleaner and less foul-smelling Pasig River after a month? Maybe we get to see fish of our own. Or better yet, more people would commute via the river if it doesn't smell offensive.

The world is not the sole property of man to do as he pleases. Many animals and plants also have the right to share and live. But due to the destruction of their habitat by cutting down trees, irresponsible mining, expanding the concrete jungle of buildings and malls along with golf courses, pollution, animals, and plants are put at risk sometimes to the brink of extinction. For all we know the plant that can cure dreaded diseases have yet to be found. But Mother Nature isn't passive either. It may do a pushback that people may not recover from. COVID-19 really comes close.


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