De-escalation, please

True to their word, Iran launched several missiles on bases in Iraq that house US troops. A check with the different news websites still has to come up with an actual assessment of both American casualties and damage. President Donald Trump immediately sent out "an optimistic tweet" as some have noticed, saying all is well. He would be the first to know about the numbers in question. Some have read a form of de-escalation on the part of Trump with the said tweet, not promising retaliation for the missile attack. He did just recently promise to attack no less than 52 sites in Iran if they would harm Americans and their assets. I guess the world will have to wait and see some more, "wait pa more" as we Filipinos love saying.

After the missile attack, Iran said it does not seek war. It's funny listening to these two adversaries. Trump kills an Iranian general and says it did so to end a war, while Iran launches missiles into a base where US troops are located and says "it does not seek war." Clearly, in this type of situation, one party must no longer retaliate as it is clear both are capable of doing so. An escalation would possibly bring in China and Russia to Iran's camp. This kind of situation may be what the two countries are waiting for to engage the US. If there will be countries rallying to the aid of the US is yet to be seen. Ironically, Trump is actually to blame for problems within NATO.

Just the same, the country has already ordered the mandatory repatriation of all Filipino OFWs in Iraq. Whether all our countrymen will follow the government's call is also to be seen, as some would prefer to weather out the storm than lose good income. They have nothing to look for in the same income bracket back home. Again, we will have to wait and see.

If the US does retaliate, then it opens the hell gates of a full-blown war with Iran, not to mention a proxy war with both China and Russia. And remember, this is the Middle East, where even the smallest of incidents affect the price of oil, a commodity still well in demand by the whole world. I just cannot imagine a scenario of war between Iran and the US. Where would they fight it out? By launching missiles until one runs out? Would the US establish bases once again in Iraq and Saudi Arabia? Would these countries even allow it to, not wanting to be on the bad side of Iran, or even China and Russia?

A step back by both sides is in order, now that they have done their respective actions. Like, "Okay, you've both let out some steam, now it's time to simmer down", sort of thing. If Trump retaliates for the missile attack, as he promised, then we will all have to imagine in horror at the prospect of World War III.

God forbid.

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