Two decades and six

Today is my first day as a 26-year-old. It is past a quarter which signifies a new journey in life. Not much has changed though I still feel like a teenager trapped in an adult body. It is hard to navigate through life alone in this stage, at some point I still need my friends and my family to help me get through this world. It is also at this time where most of us are torn between passion and the need to make more money. You see we are living in a society where the young ones are taught to find themselves.

How do others do it? By traveling, splurging, and looking for new places for the soul to open up. Then again, it would need more than what a basic pay would offer. It would need more money, more time, and more energy. That is why as I celebrate my birthday, I am in pursuit of what makes me happier. Is it time with people who matter to me?

Discovering new places that I have never seen before? Is it my regular job that gives me everything that I want and need for that matter? Friends, being an adult today it’s not easy. The parents of the previous generation are too protective of us and think that we don’t know how to go about our lives without them. True, but not at all times.

We want to maximize our potential, make the most of what we want to do and can do. This sounds very idealistic, but just give us the chance. What I’m clearly saying is help us not to struggle with everything we do.

The next few years will be a blur as I near my thirties. It is unsure and uncertain, and definitely not temporary. It will be hard to give up certain things in order to change and grow, but we all must. Many of those my age are torn between career and settling down, or making a name or putting family first. All these things will come into perspective when we focus, and by doing so we can see the path ahead.

It is a cliché, but birthday wishes never come true. All I want for those my age is to have a peace of mind, to have the fulfillment that we have always wanted. I would like to thank those who have made this life surprising at that, and making the world in the media industry interesting as the days go by.

My mission now is to find that joy in my heart, so I’m clearly at a crossroads. Just like all of us.

Who doesn’t feel confused after 26 years? My advisers tell me to look for signs, wait, and wish upon it, or pray... whatever works. It may take a long time but it is worth the wait. Others say don’t rush and take your time. Well, maybe it’s worth a shot.

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