A century old

I was quite different from my classmates when we finished high school as the summer of 2010 started. Some of them had good places to go with steady scholarships at private universities but I opted to go to one of the oldest institutions in the country --the University of the Philippines. My entrance exam didn't gamble to get inside the campuses in Luzon; I believed I fit where my heart was, here in Cebu.

My first few days weren't as perfect as I expected them to be. Although the cool atmosphere of the campus surrounded by lush greenery tucked beneath the hustle of the busy city life, the schoolwork was too tedious. I started to question myself if I entered the correct place at the right time. Soon enough, I understood.

The statue in front of the campus with its arms outstretched became my inspiration. We refer to him as "oble," short for the oblation as his real name was. He was the symbol of the UP student; naked but ready to be clothed with knowledge and the harsh reality of life. Inside this university, we did not only busy ourselves with what the degree program demanded but instead we were taught to go out to the community and evaluate for ourselves at what we could do as students. At an early age, I met a lot of people with great causes whom we helped dearly so their kind spirits may be known. There were many experiences that couldn't be narrated in one sitting and I'm pretty sure other students have their own versions as well.

Who would have thought that this small campus which used to be under a bigger school would reach a hundred years? That's more than a lifetime of giving quality education enhanced with immersion with the people who will benefit from us after we leave its portals. The main reason why UP existed in the first place is to have a set of young talents who would mold the path of the next generation. With a hundred years that has already passed by, I could say that UP Cebu has fulfilled its job in producing students who have contributed a lot to the community.

For a hundred years the UP Cebu campus has hurdled many trials and struggles, but had many triumphs as well. Today it is identified as a university with its own brand under the umbrella of the national university. It has made many personalities, some of whom are very influential today.

With a hundred years over and done with, the next century will be a long haul. It will be full of surprises and challenges that we cannot predict at the moment. As long as there will be those who believe in the young and in the power of education, UP Cebu will remain to be an institution that it has always been, serving the people not only in its vicinity but the world as well. Happy 100 years!


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