Shaping up our road signs

I am distressed by the poor state of the road signs and the street name posts here in the different places in Cebu and its component cities. Road signs are erected in different portions of the road or street to provide information, give directions and keep traffic running smoothly.

But it's so dismal to look at the way we are treating our road signs. A good number of them are worn-out and unkempt, a victim of neglect. These road signs are a favorite “canvass” of vandals and a prized commodity for scrap metal scavengers.   

Well-maintained signs are important to motorists and as well as commuters. Its benefits are so basic. It keeps traffic in order, gives directions to those who aren't familiar with a place. Visible street signages gives due recognition to the person which the street was named after and, for references and specifics for addresses.

Road signs and street name signages have a purpose. They are supposed to convey a clear, understandable message. But with the current state of these road signs in our streets today, do you think it still serves its “what for”? Road signs give out a number of messages regarding the road and what you as a driver should expect on the road. Therefore, if followed properly, road signs help maintain discipline on the road. Road signs are placed in a manner that makes them visible to the driver from a distance.

On the other hand, we often see street name signages on our way to work, to the mall or park but more often than not, we pay very little notice to them. Well, they seem mostly irrelevant unless we need to know where we are headed. In this facet, street signs are quite a useful lot and it seems like they have been in existence since time immemorial. The importance of street signs became more definite upon the arrival of the first automobiles. As more drivers took to the streets, they needed the help of street signs to let them know where they were going, how to get there and how much farther they are from their destination.

We should realize that maintaining road signs and street name signages makes the road safer and better for both motorists and passengers alike. The poor state of this road sings and street signage's creates a bad impression to us. We are so unlike our Asian neighbors, who maintain their road and street signs very well. It's a sense of pride for them, since they consider it as a landmark.

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