READER'S VIEWS: Transistor radio

This thing called the transistor radio has always been my constant companion ever since I could remember. Although through the years, with the advent of the more modern amenities, this stuff may now be considered passe or obsolete, still and all, it's this same gadget that gives me pleasure, varied emotions, information, accompany me in my moments of solitude, etc.

I remember when I was in grade school, whenever I was absent from class because of fever, I would lie down on bed and listen to the radio. My lolo would massage me to sleep with vaporub then would hand me a cup of boiled cogon roots or hot tea, an antipyretic (Saridon or Gardan), and would cover me fully with a thick wool blanket.

Today, as in decades past, I still place my radio on top of my bedside table. It's the one I turn to in early dawn when I wake up and when I take my power nap after lunch. Yes, up to now, I still listen to radio dramas, mga balita, mga huni ug awit, classical old songs of yore and such.

Oh well, in this life, there are just things that don't change, and should not change, just because we have already acquired the things that we have wanted so much when we were young and struggling or have become what we've been dreaming to be.

There are moments in my life now when I would also miss those foodstuff that I used to eat voraciously when I was young, the scents of pomade (Tancho, Dixie Peach) or cologne (Mennen Skin Bracer, Old Spice) that I used to apply in our growing up years, as well as the places I've been to, the people I've been with, memories and all.

How wonderful it is really to recall the bygone days of youth. Nothing really beats that era somewhere in time when I would ride a jeepney to get to my point of destination or ate in a carenderia or walked leisurely in slippers, etc.

Oh, I miss those times in my life. And if only to bring back the splendor of yesterday's rhapsody - obstacles, struggles, glory, triumph and victory, let me do them one more time the next chance I get, to make me remember who I was, what I've gone thru to become what I am today.

Indeed, the past is our gateway to the present and the future. Let's not forget our past - of who we were or what we were like, of how we led life, etc.

Let us try not to be somebody unreachable now just because we have attained our goals in life. Let us stay humble all the time. Afterall, we don't own anything in this world. Everything is temporary. A passing fancy. Let this be a reminder to all of us: We are all pilgrims. We are just passing by.

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