Delivery riders demand recognition, benefits

CEBU, Philippines — The National Union of Food Delivery Riders (RIDERS-SENTRO) has urged the government to recognize those in the gig economy as workers entitled with benefits and protection as guaranteed by labor laws and international labor standards.

A gig economy is a free market system in which temporary positions are common and organizations hire independent workers for short-term commitments. The term “gig” is a slang word for a job that lasts a specified period of time.

The group made the call during the launching of the RIDERS-CEBU chapter in Talisay City on April 26, 2024.

According to them, it is necessary for the Filipino gig workers to organize to protect their rights and interests.

In a statement, the group claimed that Delivery and Ride-hailing companies are notorious for avoiding employer-employee relationships at the expense of the drivers and riders that work under them.

Under the guise of partnership agreements, the group said, the ride-hailing companies can escape the responsibility of providing benefits, insurance, job security, and other forms of social protection to their riders.

According to the group, the importance of labor in all societies cannot be denied in the face of continuous economic and technological changes. The group said that behind every new app, software, and model that organizes economic activities are countless workers that ensure the delivery of essential goods and services.

“This is especially true in the gig economy, where drivers, delivery riders, and other workers cater to the needs of millions every single day,” read part of the statement.

“We riders must band together and organize ourselves into unions and other associations so that we can demand the recognition of our rights,” the group added.

They appeal to their fellow gig delivery riders to unite behind the union, as well as form their own associations and organizations.

“We cannot all be intimidated, harassed, or unjustly terminated if we stand with each other. RIDERS-SENTRO will continue our efforts to organize our fellow gig riders. Our doors are open to any delivery rider or riders that want to work with us to improve the situation of all gig riders in the country,” the group said.

After their launching, the more than 500 union members conducted a motorcade/unity ride from Talisay City to South Road Properties in Cebu City to North Reclamation Area in Mandaue City to Marcelo Fernan Bridge going to Lapu-Lapu City. (CEBU NEWS)

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