
Cebu News

Rama: Cebu City ready for El Niño

Iris Hazel Mascardo - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama has assured that the city government is prepared for the ill-effects of El Niño albeit no details of the preparations have been provided.

Rama only said the city has long been preparing for this phenomenon particularly the

Quick Response Team (QRT). He said the City Agriculture Department has been anticipating for this season, thus, preparations have long been in place.

“I would like to call on (Attorney Collin Rosell) Collin (City Administrator) to tell Ian (Hassamal) to get in touch with all of this,” said Rama.

An economist warned of another calamity that may hit the country following scientists’ prediction that there is a 56 percent possibility that the largest El Niño phenomenon may hit the Philippines this year.

In an economic briefing hosted by the Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), renowned economist Ronilo Balbeiran said the Philippines stands to suffer another economic blow if this happens.

“This is our biggest risk,” Balbeiran said.

Balbeiran urged both the businessmen and the government to remain vigilant as any oversight could potentially undermine the ongoing recovery of the economy from the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

 In addition to the well-documented water shortage issues resulting from prolonged dry spells, there is a looming concern regarding food production. Balbeiran cautioned that if El Niño occurs, the agricultural sector is expected to face exacerbated challenges. (CEBU NEWS)

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