PB supports creation of metro traffic body

CEBU, Philippines - The Provincial Board has supported the revival of the proposal made by Cebu City north district Representative Raul del Mar to create a Metro Cebu Traffic Authority, a counterpart of the Metro Manila Development Authority.

The board approved last week a resolution sponsored by PB member Arleigh Sitoy, citing the need to create the MCTA to handle prevailing problems such as traffic congestion, garbage disposal, pollution, drug abuse, and urban planning.

A copy of the resolution was sent to the office of Del Mar.

The resolution pointed out the traffic congestion which has become a “great frustration to Cebuanos, especially to motorists. It added that many drivers fail to be prudent enough in observing traffic rules which contribute to the congestion.”

“Agencies such as the Land Transportation Office and the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board exist to control traffic and instill discipline upon motorists but due to the nature of their work and the areas they cover, a more –focused and more responsive body is crucial to attain pristine results for the benefit of the public,” a portion of the resolution read.

The PB believes that these pressing problems hinder development and progress and drive away investors who are of great help in boosting the province’s economy.

Del Mar authored House Bill No. 372, a bill “Creating the Metro Cebu Traffic Authority, Defining its Powers and Functions, Providing Funds Thereof and for Other Purposes.”

There were already bills filed as to the creation of the Cebu’s counterpart of MMDA, the first time was more than 20 years ago, but all failed to pass in Congress.

Meanwhile, the PB also passed a resolution urging all traffic management and enforcement units in the province through their respective local government units to apprehend drivers of cars or motorcycles who ride their vehicles on sidewalks, endangering the lives and limbs of pedestrians passing by.

Sitoy, who sponsored the resolution, noted that sidewalks are intended for pedestrians to safely pass by streets without fear of getting run over or hit by moving vehicles.

But, he said, some ‘abusive’ drivers direct their vehicles on sidewalks to dodge traffic or to overtake a vehicle before them, which traffic enforcement officers should always watch for.  (FREEMAN)



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