No more FB, games during office hours

CEBU, Philippines - No more beating of high scores while at work. No more status updates. Observe work ethics.

This, as local government units in the province have been banned from using social media and playing games on government-issued computers.

In an approved resolution, Provincial Board member Arleigh Sitoy said using of social media and playing computer games during office hours tend to distract and hinder employees from performing their respective duties and obligations.

He observed that many employees in the government service, even in his office at the Provincial Capitol, are more concerned in updating their status in their social media accounts and reaching top scores, which would affect the quality of service being delivered to the public.

"The amount of time they wasted on social media websites and games could have been used on service advantageous to the public," the resolution read.

 LGUs are also urged to provide sanctions that "inefficient" employees have to deal with.

"As they (inefficient employees) are not needed in the government. This august body finds it imperative to urge all LGUs to deal with inefficient employees accordingly in order to prevent any further wasting of funds," parts of the resolution stated.

Sitoy cited Republic Act 6713 of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees that mandates employees to observe standards in the discharge of their functions and official duties.

The standards include commitment to public interest where government resources and powers of their respective offices "must be employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically."

"They shall enter public service with utmost devotion and dedication to duty. They shall endeavor to discourage wrong perceptions of their roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue patronage," the law states. — (FREEMAN)

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