Bus operators ask Magpale to lower terminal fees

CEBU, Philippines -  Cebu bus and mini-bus operators are set to have a meeting with acting governor Agnes Magpale within the week to ask the Provincial Government to lower the parking fee at the South Bus Terminal.

Julito Flores, president of the Cebu South Mini-Bus Operators Association, said that in a meeting with the bus and mini-bus operators yesterday, they are “hoping and praying” that Magpale will heed their request.

“Mahal ra gyud ang parking fee. Nakuha -kuhaan gyud ang among income tungod ani. We hope and pray that Magpale will grant our request,” said Flores, who is also the spokesperson of the Cebu Provincial Bus Operators Association. (The fees are too high, our income is affected.)

Earlier, the Provincial Government increased bus parking fee from P100 to P200 per entry and entrance fee of P20 for taxicabs per entry from the previous P10 effective October 31, 2012.

It was agreed in the same meeting that they will be seeking a reduction of bus and mini-bus parking fee from P200 to P150 per entry and from P200 to P140 per entry, respectively.

Last November, bus operators submitted a letter request asking Governor Gwendolyn Garcia to reconsider. Garcia has been suspended since December.

The said terminal services 230 buses and mini buses.

Mini-buses travelling from Cebu City to Carcar City and Sibonga town enter the terminal at least three times in a day, and two times a day for those servicing Barili and Dumanjug towns.

Buses normally enter the said terminal only once a day.

According to the bus operators, the increase in parking fee imposed by the Provincial Government is exorbitant.

Flores earlier said that if their request will not be granted, they will be forced to implement the fare approved by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board few years ago, which is P8.50 for the first five kilometers and P1.45 for the next kilometers.

Currently, bus operators are undercharging their passengers by collecting only P6 for the five kilometers and P1.20 for the next kilometers citing stiff competition.—/JPM (FREEMAN)

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