T.V. Feng Shui

In this modern age, television is conveniently mounted on the wall of every home or business establishment. But did you know that there are “do’s & don’t’s” in television placement according to Feng Shui?


First, let us debunk the fake news about television set facing a master’s bed as bad, causing third party.  This isn’t true at all, it was propagated by a fake Feng Shui expert who died already! Instead, here’s a guide for proper Feng Shui TV placement:


•Best on a west wall.  Next, east wall given no choice!


•Put on the southwest or northeast wall. It affects school performance of kids!

•Put on the south wall, as it at causes conflict or fire.

•Worst and never on a north wall as it will be often out of order!

Lucky TV viewing everyone!

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