Get rid of bad karma

Nicole Harding of, exclaimed, “If you believe in the saying that 'what goes around comes around,' you certainly believe in karma ( action) and its effects. Any action that you perform in your life has either  a positive or negative reaction in  turn, which is usually even larger than the initial action. For bad karma, this means that a series of bad events taking place in your life can create a negative  chain reaction of events, which can ultimately make you unhappy with your life.”

I am reminded with what spiritual teacher Joel Goldsmith wrote in his book, “ …for anyone in the spiritual path is to learn that on the human level of life there is such thing as karmic law, the law of “as–ye-sow-shall-ye-reap,” a law that we set in  motion, individually or collectively. Every bit we do without letting a single soul on earth know, our reward would be tremendous.  On the other hand, if we can do as much evil as we feel inclined to do, that same law will react upon us, and eventually we will be punished. Whatever we set in operation today will return to us tomorrow, next year, or a thousand years from now.”

In our ordinary language, if our action is bad and it boomerangs to us, we call it “gaba.”  Our group, (BCBP (Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals), has an intercessory prayer every Friday afternoon. We do not only pray for the sick and other intentions, but also pray for the healing of family tree. That whatever our ancestors did in the past it shall be forgiven by God so that the present generation would not suffer.

There are other ways we can do to get rid of our bad karma. Harding suggests the following:

Demonstrate regret for your misdeeds. Do whatever you can try and correct the mistake in the future. Creating the feeling that you want to correct your past mistakes is the best place to start on your path.

Repay any bad deeds with good deeds. If you feel that your life is full of bad deeds, replace them with good deeds. Performing good deeds provides you with an excellent sense of release, and if you perform them sincerely, chances are that you will start to reverse your fortunes and begin to experience good karma.

Apologize to anyone you might have offended. One of the first good deeds that you should perform is to apologize to someone you might have hurt. Apologizing is always a wise idea, as it allows you to create fresh avenues of communication between you and the person who is hurt.

If it is impossible for you to apologize in person, you can try doing so through a handwritten letter. Remember that it can be hard to get your point in a letter, so it is usually better to apologize in person if you are able to.

Prevention is the best cure. One of the best ways to get rid of bad karma is to avoid any bad deeds. Try and remember how your actions affect others around you. One bad deed has an entire string of consequences.

As a food –for-thought, Goldsmith reminds, “Whatever good we are setting in motion, we are also setting in motion unto ourselves; whatever evil we are setting in motion, we are also setting in motion unto ourselves.”

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