Backpacking Tips

CEBU, Philippines - Pack light. With backpacking, your mantra should always be “pack light.” Four pairs of jeans are just going to weigh you down when you’re hiking or running to catch a bus. You need to leave stuff behind and streamline what you’re bringing with you. Leave your favorite jewelry or your grandfather’s watch at home too; bringing valuable or sentimental stuff with you is courting disaster. Only pack what you can easily replace.

Camp out. You should really try camping out for part of your backpacking trip. In a lot of places, there are available grounds that are safe and fit for camping. This is a great option if you have some experience camping and you happen to carry your own tent. If you’re ready and willing to embrace your inner Bear Grylls, you can make camping work just about anywhere. Make think of your safety, especially if you’re backpacking solo.

Get a hostel with a kitchen. Camping isn’t for everyone. You might not be able to bring all the gear you’d need, or you might just want the comfort of a bed. Try a backpacker-friendly hostel or pension house where available. Look for some place that offers free breakfast, or even a communal kitchen with access to cooking stuff. If you buy groceries and make a couple meals in the hostel, you can save money over a long trip. Bonus; you make new friends in the hostel kitchen.

Bring your own snacks. Being on an adventure and living out of your trusty backpack can really drain you. Snacks might seem like a silly addition to your gear, but it can really help you keep energy levels high between meals and rests. Even in the cheapest countries to visit, local vendors know that snacks are necessary during travel, and they tend to jack up the prices on quick bites to eat; dodge this unforeseen expenditure and bring your own soda crackers.

Stash away money for fares. The backpacker is sure is going to take rides, on land and at sea. The short land trips especially require loose-change cash. The looser the cash, the better; including coins. It’s going to help a lot in getting from one place to another without much hassle.

Walk, don’t take a ride. Don’t let the convenience of a ride lure you in. There are special benefits – you get to exercise, you save on fares, and you get see more of the place. Walking, while being super good for your body, is really good for the earth.

Be careful of pickpockets and scam artists. No matter where you’re backpacking, there are some form of pickpockets or scam artists. They can spot a tourist from a mile away, and will go out of their way to take advantage of you. It would be heartbreaking to be staying on budget and then have it all ruined by a theft, so you need to keep your money close at hand. The best way to do this? Hidden pockets and money belts.

Visit the liquor store. In big towns and cities, local businesses love making money off tourists, and that is apparent big time in bars and clubs. The ones near tourist destinations will overcharge because they figure you won’t mind. If you crave for a drink, it’s better to go to a liquor store and buy just enough that you can consume back in your room or tent.

Avoid tourist traps. Watch where the locals go. Eat lunch where the locals eat. Spend Friday nights where the locals do. Keep a running list of the cool stuff to do in a location that doesn’t cost anything; going to a parks and gardens or doing some window-shopping. Take opportunities for walking around.

Travel with a group. Backpacking solo is a freeing experience, but there’s always strength in numbers. Traveling in a group can save you cash by sharing various duties. One of you is a good cook? That’ll help big time. One person is detail oriented? Let them draw the itinerary. One’s a seasoned camper? He certainly has the gear to camp comfortably and cheaply. A group complicates the planning process, but don’t let that scare you. You can always break away for hours and meet up again later. (

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