Why Detox

CEBU, Philippines - The heightened intake of rich foods during the recent yuletide holidays has left its marks on people’s bodies, for sure. These “marks” may not be always visible. At times their presence is revealed in terms how the body feels like.

One may just feel all stuffed up and heavy – but without visible signs of the gained weight. In certain cases, though, the added baggage gets in the way of the person’s normal functioning. Something, thus, has to be done about it.

But even in the total absence of any noticeable sign of toxicity in the body, it is still good to cleanse one’s system, just to be safe. Detoxification is important to health maintenance. It is a means of clearing the body that should not be there in the first place.

Nowadays, one gets to hear the word “detox” mentioned frequently. In fact, with some people it has become just a buzzword – not a means to maintain good health. Others think of detoxification as a form of starvation, which of course is farthest from the truth – if only it is done right.

Again, detoxification is important for health maintenance. The website www.naturalnews.com explains that people nowadays live in a world filled with chemicals. There are chemicals are in the water they drink, in the air they breathe, and in nearly everything they touch. They bathe and shampoo with products laced with chemicals, then use chemical laden products to shave, to smell good, to soften their skin, to treat their blemishes, and more. These chemicals are soaked up by the skin every time that people use the products that contain them.

In addition, the website continues, people pick up parasites from their food and their surroundings and these take up residence in their bodies. Their bodies also store mercury, lead, and other heavy metals. All of these foreign materials tax the body's resources and interfere with its health.

Detoxification is intended to cleanse the body of these foreign substances, along with accumulated waste, in order to optimize bodily functioning and healing. People’s wellbeing starts in their guts. The www.naturalnews.com website points out that if the gut is not working well, the body does not assimilate vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates or proteins.

The focus of a detox is to clean up the gut first, and follow up with cleaning out the storage bins (stored fat), the organs, the blood and the lymph. Cleaning up the gut involves moving out debris while giving the body maximum nutrition that does not require the digestive system to do a lot of work. That is why a detox diet plan advises against the intake of meat, because animal protein (or most animal protein) is hard to digest.

The body shall not be overtaxed or over-burdened during the detox process, for optimum results. This means focusing on easily digestible foods and drinking plentiful amounts of clean water.

Excellent supplement formulas for cleaning out the intestinal tract will move out old waste along with parasites and other bad substances. Smoothies, made with vegetables and high quality nutritional powders, are an excellent means to flood the body with nutrients while allowing the digestive tract to rest. Blended raw, organic fruits and vegetables are the best option.

Likewise, juices extracted from raw green vegetables are particularly beneficial because they contain chlorophyll, which aids in the removal of cancer-related toxins. Being loaded with nutrients, fresh juices in general boost the immune system. Drinking a glass of raw fruit or vegetable juice two or three times a day or replacing one meal daily with fresh juices is a highly healthful habit. A juice fasting may also be done by drinking five to six glasses of fresh fruit and vegetable juices daily for a few days.

Detoxing may really take some gut to do (pun intended). But it has to be done for one’s wellbeing. It a healthy practice to once in a while deprive the palate what it wants and, instead, give the body only what it needs. Much better if it becomes a regular routine. (FREEMAN)

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