Online job hunting

CEBU, Philippines – For a hundred years the place for job seekers to go look for a job and for employees to go look for people has been the newspaper. What we’ve done – in a five-year transformation – is provide a new resource for job seekers and employers.

This new resource is easier. You can look for a job anytime you want, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now you don’t have to wait for the Sunday newspaper to get your “help wanted” section.

Instead of spending an hour flipping through the paper trying to find the jobs you’re qualified for, the job search engine lets you find those jobs in about two minutes. Then you can spend the rest of that hour actually researching the companies you’re interested in.

The ability to apply online means an end to typing laborious cover letters and sitting at home at your computer or typewriter, totally intimated, trying to figure out what to say to make yourself stand out. Instead, in a 20 to 30 minutes experience, you can find jobs you’re qualified for, research the companies, develop a cover letter message, cut and paste your resume, and apply directly to the company, all in one sitting.

Online job hunting also lets you speed to the best opportunities. Instead of having to wait until the Sunday paper comes out and applying the next week, you can answer the ad as soon as it is posted. This shows a prospective employer that you are on top of things.

— from Fast Forward By Alfred C. Sikes with Ellen Pearlman (Morrow)

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