Guiding Millennial Children

CEBU, Philippines - More than 250 parents of students enrolled in the three PAREF schools in Cebu - Southdale, Southcrest and Springdale - participated in a parenting forum, titled "Guiding Our Millennial Children Towards Their Future," held at the PAREF Southcrest campus Multi-Purpose Hall on Wednesday, August 19.

In the forum, developmental psychologist and Ateneo de Manila University associate professor Dr. Liane Alampay shared insights on the different areas which parents should focus on in guiding their children towards realizing their potentials. She stressed the importance of knowing when to praise or reward a child.

Following are some of the points discussed in the forum:

Self Regulation.

Children shall be allowed to handle their own schedules, to allow them to self-regulate and manage their own time and indulgences. This helps to instill in the children the value of initiative, and guide them into being proactive individuals who know that there's a proper time for every matter and concern.

Goal Setting.

It is also important to train children to set their own goals. By doing so, parents get to guide their children to understanding what working for a goal entails - and, thus, correcting the childish presumption that getting what they want is just something that happens.

Perspective Taking.

Children shall also be assisted in acquiring the virtue of empathy.

Parents shall guide their little ones in looking at certain issues and concerns from different perspectives. Doing so helps children understand that while their own point of view matters, it may not be the only point of view to consider in a given situation.

Rewards and Merits.

Parents shall reward or praise every worthwhile deed of the child. No small achievement by the child shall go unacknowledged for the simple reason that it is not at par with the parents' expectation. Likewise, improper behavior shall be discouraged.

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