8 Feng Shui Ways to Aging Gracefully

We all age whether or not you go for stem cell treatment or cosmetic surgeries. There is no denying this in feng shui. On the contrary, acceptance and enjoying aging is the feng shui attitude to Father Time.

There are feng shui techniques for aging gracefully:

1.  Breathe properly to harness good chi from your environs, at home, at work, especially at play (even swimming or swimming in a mahjong game).

2.  Eat properly, with the right nutrition and preponderance for green, leafy vegetables over meat portions. Go for glow and grow foods.

3.  Drink properly especially water and a moderation of alcohol if preferred, but better with fruit and vegetable juices that are now widely available and popular in various preparations - instant, fresh or smoothie drinks.

4.  Bathe properly, with good hygiene practices in mind for overall wellbeing, to keep away from diseases and, especially, from discomfort from    humid weather. Bathing regularly is a good way to avoid infections from airborne or communicable viruses or bacteria.

5.  Take enough rest and sleep. Like a cell phone, you have to recharge the human body.

6.  Exercise regularly. Try tai chi or better still qi gong, if possible. These exercises aid in imbibing and circulating vital chi or life energies to all organs of the body in promoting good health and long life!

7.  Feng shui all your properties diligently and properly; including gravesite, in preparation for dying peacefully! And annual feng shui maintenance is important; it's  like you're an annual physical medical checkup. Unless you want to die.

8.  Live simply and contentedly with what your have with love in your heart and mind; especially if still capable physically, make love properly lest you        fall accidentally to your own demise in handicapped or tragic mode! Practical feng shui                 kama sutra aids to prevent coma sutra, rendering one as a living dead.

Your journey to aging gracefully is all up to you - but it helps to keep those ideas in mind. Good luck and honor yourself to immortality in thoughts, words and deeds. So help us God!


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