A “Sweet” Alternative

CEBU, Philippines – You’ve been working hard at giving your little kids “healthy” foods. But what do you do when they go to a birthday party?

Why not bake the birthday cake yourself and bring it to the party? Kids adore carrot-raisin cake made with just a touch of honey, banana-molasses cake or carob cake. For frosting, try cream cheese thinned with apple juice and vanilla; add carob powder for a delicious chocolate flavor. If possible, bake it in character cakepans (Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, for example), which you can probably rent from a cake supply shop.

You’ll find most parents are delighted to have such a personalized cake for their child and pleased that you have relieved them of having to make or buy the cake themselves. The cake makes a thoughtful gift as well. — from Hints, Tips & Smart Advice By Family Circle

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