Where Are You?

“Arsaaaab!”Apong Cion called out in her loudest voice yet.

Teo and his friends, who were playing with tops, stood still.

“Apong Cion’s dog is missing!” Teo exclaimed, running toward the voice. Everyone followed him.

“Have you boys seen Arsab? He’s been missing since last night!” she said, the deep lines on her face getting deeper.

“No, Apong Cion, but we’ll help you find him!” Teo said, his heart pounding, Lord, please do not let anything happen to Arsab.

“Let’s go in pairs and look in different directions,” someone suggested. So they did just that. “Arsaab!”

They looked under bushes, inside the chicken coops, and asked everyone they met. They climbed trees and surveyed the ground. “Arsaaab!”

At sunset, still nothing. They all met again where Apong Cion was waiting. Teo had never seen her as sad before.

“Thank you, boys,” she whispered, walking home.

“Don’t worry, Apong Cion!” Teo called out. “We’ll find him tomorrow!”

“Yes, tomorrow!” everyone promised.

That night, Teo knelt by his bed. “God please protect Arsab and Apong Cion.”

“Leave your fears to Jesus, Teo,” his Tatay said by the door. “Good night…”



Lord God, please comfort those whose pets are sick or missing. Amen.


Memory Verse:

“God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid. He gave is a spirit of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

“Quiet Time with Mateo – 52 Weekly Devotions for Children” is published by OMF Literature, Inc. and available at leading bookstores.

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