Color is Energy

There are good and bad, or simply lucky or unlucky, feng shui colors. Either they resonate vibrant energy to your person like eye candy or turn you off like anybody so ugly!

As a general rule, each person has a specific lucky and unlucky color harmony code in feng shui. But not all knows that a property or house or condo unit or apartment or even a business building has its own feng shui color coding to enable it to receive good life energies or chi from the environment and transmit it to the occupants. This knowledge is available esoterically to genuine feng shui masters, not to the shallow fakers in the trade.

But today, I will share this secret to benefit you in this lifetime by using different colors to effect a transformation of your place!

Take note of these tips. To begin with, determining where the house or property is oriented or facing is important. Now choose the lucky colors for your home or office in order to attract good luck and avoid for your protection against bad fortune, ill health and loneliness.

For the place that faces the Morning Sun, use yellow or white or combination thereof! Avoid red or blue.

For the place facing the Afternoon Sun, have blue or green or blue green hues like teal, aquamarine, aqua, sky blue, apple green, crystal green. Avoid white tones and all shades of red variants.

Exceptions to these cardinal orientations are places that face the Northeast and Southwest - use lively and radiant yellow or reds or a combination, even orange, terra cotta or browns. Avoid white or green tones.

Usually in feng shui, facing North is avoided. In case your place is facing North already, especially if it's inherited, use red tones and green shades or an aesthetic combination of these. Avoid blue tones or yellow and brown shades. If the reverse is true, meaning it is facing South, use blue or white or a combination. Avoid strong yellow or brown tones or earth colors as well as greens.

This secret color code is essential, but not many people know of it, including those self-proclaimed masters of feng shui. In which case, you who is reading this column now are already a step ahead of them in this regard!

Tune up and harmonize your place with life energies by using these secret feng shui colors. Happy coloring everyone! Paint your life with luck and lots of love! Painting with lucky colors begins at home and ends at your business place.

No, it goes all the way to the burial place, including the coffin. Seems funny - but it's true in feng shui.!



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