Bedwetting Little Kids

Bedwetting is very common among little children, but it can also be a both a cause of trauma and embarrassment for them if not dealt with properly. It can make the child feel anxious and uncomfortable about spending a night elsewhere other than his or her own bed, for fear that it may just happen. Many parents begin to feel helplessly concerned about it, but this is completely normal especially among children under six years old.

What can parents do? It helps to reassure the child that his bedwetting is just a phase in his life and he eventually will grow out of it at some point. Although, the issue can really be a sensitive one during the phase itself and can have an emotional effect on the little one if it's made into a big deal. So let the other siblings or anyone else in the household know that it is not good to tease the bedwetting child because it will only make his problem more difficult to overcome. Everyone shall be reminded that they were all once in the same situation themselves.

Parents need to be very sensitive in handling the problem. Yes, it can be quite frustrating if you happen to be in a rush and will need to change the sheets every time bedwetting occurs. To make things easier, you may consider having a rubber mat for the bedwetting child; it can be absolutely useful.

 Also, letting the child clean up the soiled sheets could help make him feel better knowing that he has helped out in taking care of the mess. It can give him some sense of responsibility to make him feel less childish. Again, he needs to be reassured that that the situation is completely normal.

 Bedwetting can at times be avoided but it isn't as simple as we think. You would know how much liquids your child takes, so try to limit it close to bedtime. Plus, encourage regular toilet use throughout the day, every two hours at least, so holding it in doesn't become a habit with the child. Try to make it a fun routine as well, that going to the toilet should start from when he gets up in the morning, then all the way until going to bed at night, every few hours. Just be patient; it'll get better in time.

There are common causes of bedwetting:

1.            Bedwetting can sometimes be hereditary, so if the

                parents - or at least one parent - experienced it as a                       child, chances are that the child will experience

                it, too.

2.            The little child has a small bladder and, therefore, has                    not much space to hold the volume of urine produced                            during the night.

3.            The bedwetting child may be a very deep sleeper and                   doesn't consciously respond to the internal signal

                to urinate.

4.            In more serious cases, the child may probably have                         some underlying medical problem that causes the bed                        wetting. These cases are rare; but at the slightest

                suspicion, seek a paediatrician. 

5.            The child may be going through some emotional

                hurdles. Always assure your child that you are there                       for him, and ask him to open up with you on anything                              that bothers him.


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