Pregnancy Myths and Facts

From books and magazines and even from parents to friends and neighbors, pregnant women (and especially first time mothers) will at least get some unwanted advice during the pregnancy. But what really are the myths and what are the facts? Read on.

(1) Looking at ugly things will make your baby look ugly. VERY FALSE! There is no connection whatsoever that this could affect your baby’s looks. A baby is a product of the mother and father’s genes, and not out of looking at ugly things.

(2) Stress is very bad during pregnancy. FALSE! A moderate level of stress is actually good for the fetus. It can help tone its nervous system and accelerate its development.


(3) New mothers should eat anything soupy such as moringa leaves and even clam soup to stimulate milk production. TRUE! Liquid contributes to the fluid requirement in milk production.

(4) A pregnant woman shouldn’t be exposed to too much heat. TRUE! It’s a fact that the body temperature rises during pregnancy; therefore, exposing the body to even more heat can cause miscarriages or congenital defects in the baby. Take warm but NOT hot baths. Warm baths can help decrease swelling in the arms and legs and also prevent premature contractions. It is however advised to stay away from saunas during pregnancy!

(5) Eating liver can make your baby’s blood stronger. FALSE! Yes, liver is a good source of iron, but NOT during pregnancy! This can be harmful to the developing fetus and can cause a miscarriage, so stay away from it for those 9-months.

(6) If you carry low, you will have a boy or if you have a lot of acne, you will have a girl. FALSE! This will not affect your child’s gender. It’s a fact that it all depends on the woman’s body type. Acne on the other hand is a result of natural hormonal changes. But whatever guess you have, you’ll have a 50% chance of getting it right!

(7) Do not take a bath soon after giving birth, otherwise the new mother will be sick. ABSOLUTELY FALSE! This is one of the craziest myths ever! It is highly important to bathe after delivery to wash of all the bacteria most especially in the vaginal area to prevent any infections.

(8) Pregnant women should stay away from alcohol. TRUE! It is absolutely feto-toxic or poisonous to the growing baby so stay away from it throughout the pregnancy and during breast-feeding! There are however new studies to women having a glass of wine during pregnancy, but this has yet to be confirmed. At the moment, best to stay away from alcohol.

(9) A pregnant woman cannot ride a plane during pregnancy. FALSE! You can fly when you want. Some airlines don’t allow pregnant passengers fly towards the end of the pregnancy for fear of the woman going into labour onboard and have complications. Otherwise, there is no danger to flying when pregnant.

(10) A newborn baby should wear a beaded bracelet to ward off evil spirits. FALSE! Where do these beliefs come from? There is no scientific connection at all!

(11) Bury your baby’s placenta for good luck. FALSE! Your doctor might even laugh at you! If this were true, we’d all be millionaires or even billionaires by now for that matter.

(12) If you have an itchy belly during pregnancy, that means you will give birth to a baby with lots of hair. FALSE! The skin stretches during pregnancy and can therefore cause cracking and itchiness. But do not scratch as this can leave marks! Rubbing lots of lotion on your belly can help you get through this itchy period. (Helpful Resources:;;



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