Lessons from dad

CEBU, Philippines — If wars were easier than daughters, as Ned Stark of “Game of Thrones” once said, then the fathers of these personalities are heroes, having done a darn good job in raising confident and empowered females. Father’s Day, celebrated tomorrow, is a wonderful opportunity to shower our fathers and father figures the affection and appreciation they deserve, as well as share lessons and fond memories.

“I grew up seeing my father’s love to my mother. My mother has always been his first priority. Seeing that and knowing that kind of love became a prayer to me to find someone that can do the same for me – and I did. Whatever happens, you have to be there for your spouse. Always choose to understand before reacting. I never had a specific situation where I all of a sudden realized he was right. I have always been close to my dad, we have never had a time where we didn’t get along, so I guess I have always sensed that he was right.  He has been a great role model to me and my siblings.” – singer Anna Fegi-Brown on Gaudencio Fegi

“I remember the little things that my dad did for me and for others. That’s how I started to love helping other people. When you see someone doing good things it makes you want to do good too. My dad always told me to have fun with life, have faith in myself and with God and to focus on my goals while keeping my feet on the ground. I think these are things that every human should possess. I know it’s Father’s Day but my dad always told me to love my mom because mother’s are just amazing. Living in Manila while my mom is residing in Cebu made me realize that he was right. I miss my mom every single day and she’s one of my best friends.” – Miss Earth 2014 Jamie Herrell on James Edward Herrell

“He sort of comes out really strong and strict. But deep inside, he has a soft heart to help out. There are a lot of times where he just buys anything from a vendor. From rugs to cabinets to rocking chairs, just because he wants to help that person make some money. He taught me to just keep hustling. When my parents decided to get married, they were trying really hard to make ends meet. Struggling where to buy food and where to live. He carried our family with a vision, and that is to find a job, work hard every day, get up after every struggle, and get it done with all six of his children graduating and succeeding. It’s a job he absolutely did well. Never let any failure be the judge of your life.” –TV/events host Phoebe Kaye Fernandez on Jamie “Jim” Fernandez Sr.

“Since I don’t get to see him everyday, I embrace every moment we have together. But there was this one time we were at a water park to celebrate my brother’s birthday and we had a talk by the lazy river. It was relaxing because we were effortlessly flowing along the waters and I opened up to him about everything he missed while he was away. I wanted it to last forever because it was in the middle of my Miss Mandaue journey and that talk we had made me forget about the pressure I was going through during Miss Mandaue. The most important lesson he taught me was to enjoy life and work hard because it will pay off. There were numerous moments in my life where I felt like I was doing things just to please others. I did things that people wanted me to do and I was trapped because I couldn’t get out of it. My dad would always tell me to just enjoy it and work hard because it will be worth it.

I remember during Miss Mandaue, I wanted to give up because I felt like I was an underdog but my dad would tell me to endure the pain with joy and imagine how happy you would be after the pageant. That’s exactly what I did. He spoiled me with everything I wanted after the pageant not because I won but because I got through it with flying colors.

My dad is intelligent, hardworking, funny, honest, supportive, caring – the list goes on. But what I love about him most is how compassionate he is. Not only does he love his family but he loves making children happy through his organization’s feeding programs and medical missions. This may not be something he realizes but it is something everyone around him knows. He is very willing to help others in any possible way. He puts their needs before his. He is the person I want to be in the future.” –Miss Mandaue 2019 Lorraine Hann on Steve Hann

“Lately I’ve been thinking about my Daddy a lot. I miss him. I remember growing up in Negros, every single day he would drop me off at school up until I graduated. He never failed. I would ride on the back of his motorcycle and listen to his stories. He would update me on what’s happening in the world. I think my most memorable moment with him was him teaching me how to ride a motorcycle. I was around 12 years old and he brought me out to a field and showed me how to ride his Honda XR 200. I fell in love with bikes ever since. I wish we can just ride through the mountains and enjoy talks forever!

My Dad has always been right about everything. I hate to admit this. I’ve never been a perfect daughter and I’m still trying to be the best I can be. I think if I would have listened to my Dad in my younger years I would have avoided a lot of heartbreak! Haha! But he never stopped loving me and until this day I run to him when I need advice. Everything I know, I got it from Dad. He showed me the world, he taught me how to behave, he has opened my heart and mind.

Seeing life as a parent now, I see a lot of what I do is a reflection of how my Dad was with me. He travelled all around the world at a young age, he loves music, his motorcycle, and has a great love for animals – all characteristics that I got from him. Dad taught me how to play chess. He taught me how to be strategic. He has guided me through my own challenges and has always been proud. He says life is like a game of chess. Make every move a good one.” – Binibining Cebu Tourism 2018 Kim Covert on Mark Covert

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