Time to Pause

I’ve been down with some bug. The weather’s fluctuation has not done me any better. But moments like this where the bed becomes your best friend allows your mind to drift to places. Between shows on a long running American espionage  and updates on the Parojinogs, I find myself wondering what has become of the world and sadly the answer faces me with frankness. This is the world!

When people become worldly, they center so much in themselves. Vanities give way to greed, and greed reaps in a particular kind of power that consumes the heart until there is no telling whether what one is doing is still right or wrong and that is where danger lurks.

When one no longer holds a conscience, when that inner voice is quiet, we must be afraid. God has equipped us with a spirit that is sensitive to His will but when we don’t listen, someday we may not be able to hear His voice at all and that would be more tragic than any suffering in this world for its repercussions are eternal.

A God who loves us reminds us through that inner voice whether we are still in line with His will or whether we have been overtaken by the demands of the world so that compromise after compromise we grow that callused skin of  dangerous indifference that makes us believe a distorted picture of truth.

The many killings and apprehensions may have lessons of their own. But nothing compares to the guidebook we find in the Bible.

Thinking about all these has reminded me about the real business after business. I have missed doing this for a long time...chatting with God. Believe me, it can be done.


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