Samsung Amateur Tour goes up to John Hay

BAGUIO, Philippines – Next week’s Samsung Amateur Tour leg at the Camp John Hay Golf Club course is something to look forward to for local golfers who have been denied of their competitive rounds because of the fickle weather of late.

Organizers are hoping for the best weather conditions during 36-hole competition on Aug. 25-26 following weeks of heavy rains that kept local residents and visitors from enjoying their regular rounds at the rolling layout.

The event was actually up for postponement but Camp John Hay general manager Tim Allen and Boy Blue Ocampo of the organizing Professional Sports Management Group, Inc. agreed to push through due to the clamor of those who have already signed up.

There will be more than a hundred golfers vying for the five handicap categories for men and three for ladies in the tourney backed chiefly by Samsung Electronics Philippines, Inc.

SEPI has premium phones in store for the winners and other exciting items for the raffle.

The Samsung Tour is also sponsored by Mizuno, Crestlink, Custom Clubmakers, Wow Magic Sing, Omnisource International, Gargol, Cranutti and ABW. International Armouring and Club Car are the hole-in-one sponsors while media sponsors are Inquirer Golf, Golf Punk and A Round of Golf.

The John Hay event forms part of Samsung’s four major championships this year. It also sponsored the Philippine amateurs at Eastridge, staged a Samsung Am Tour leg at Orchard and willl hold the Interscholastics next month.

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