Visa snafu forces Harry out of elite German meet

Harry Tañamor’s Olympic buildup hit a snag after the Philippine team failed to secure his visa in time for his stint in the high-powered Chemistry Cup in Halle, Germany.

Amateur Boxing Association of the Philippines president Manny Lopez said they were supposed to leave at 10 a.m. today but the visa will only be released at 2 p.m.

“We were forced to cancel it because even if we get the visa at 2 p.m., we will not make the tournament in time,” said Lopez.

Tañamor, the lone RP boxer who qualified for the Beijing Olympiad in August, was set to see action in the tough Chemistry Cup where the Filipino boxers have been regular participants the last few years.

Tañamor will thus miss the last calendared international competition in his buildup for the Olympics.

“It would be hard to find another exposure for Harry but we’ll try to find one for him,” said Lopez.

ABAP has concentrated all its resources to provide the best training possible for Tañamor, who captured the light flyweight gold in the first AIBA President’s Cup at the Hsinchuang Stadium in Sinjhuang City, Taiwan recently.

National coach Pat Gaspi, however, said Tañamor, who also bagged a bronze at the Cuban Sports Olympiad and a silver at the Roberto Balado Cup, is moving to peak form for the Beijing battle, citing the big improvement in the fighter’s discipline, focus, hard work and fighting style.  – Joey Villar

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