For the Visayas leg

Greenpeace eyes Dumaguete as venue for anti-golden rice forum

DUMAGUETE CITY, Philippines – Greenpeace is considering Dumaguete City as the venue in the Visayas region for a forum on the genetically modified golden rice which is targeted to hit the Philippines’ commercial market by 2013.

Danny Ocampo, campaigner for sustainable agriculture of Greenpeace-Southeast Asia, said the capital of Negros Oriental province is an ideal setting for a venue of the forum because of the strong tendency of many sectors towards organic farming.

The city and the province are known for its largely anti-genetically modified organisms (GMO) stand, he said, adding that there have been moves in the past to oppose and/or ban the entry of genetically engineered corn and eggplant in these areas.

Commercialization of the genetically modified rice, known as golden rice, will largely impact on the public considering that majority of Filipinos are rice eaters. GMO food crops pose a threat to human health, the environment and farmers’ livelihoods, Ocampo told The Freeman on Monday.

Field testing sites of golden rice in the Philippines include two in Camarines Sur and one each in Nueva Ecija and Batac, Ilocos Norte, he said.

Ocampo was set to arrive Dumaguete today for an initial discussion with local individuals and groups involved in the protection and preservation of the environment to plan out the anti-golden rice forum.

Cebu has been also considered as an alternate venue for the forum, he said. (FREEMAN)

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