A new lifestyle

I like what James said! Imagine Elijah, the prophet, “just like us!” He had his ups and downs and God used him. He can use you, too. Interested in developing a lifestyle that is peaceful and fulfilled? Here are eight steps that can make a difference:

1. Let God direct your course. This was the motto of Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest. Don’t make God your co-pilot. Instead, let Him take over the controls.

2. Simplify. You don’t have to have the latest PDA, iPod or laptop. Clean out the closet and garage, delete your unwanted e-mails, and throw away the pile of magazines you will never read.

3. Pull the plug on distractions. It’s a noisy world. Turn off the phone for dinner or try leaving the TV unplugged for 24 hours.

4. Turn your assets over to God. If you really believe what you have is a gift from God, sign it over to Him and ask Him how you can use it wisely.

5. Get out of yourself. Count the number of times you say “I”, “me”, or “my” in a conversation. Then stop talking and start listening.

6. Touch someone’s life. Baby-sit. Volunteer at an orphanage. Visit a convalescent home. Write a check for a charity. Take a meal to a sick neighbor. Do something.

7. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Remember, it’s all small stuff. Trust and don’t worry just for today.

8. Give up anger and thoughts of revenge. They are killers. God’s big enough to handle the person who wronged you.

 Follow these eight steps and pursue a lifestyle that is genuine and meaningful.



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