
Starweek Magazine

An apl a day

- Ida Anita Q. del Mundo -

MANILA, Philippines - They say that the apple does not fall far from its tree. Well, in the case of apl.de.ap, though he has found himself all the way in the US, he has still made it a point to return to his roots in the Philippines. Recently named ambassador for education of the iamninoy-iamcory movement, the international celebrity is taking this opportunity as his platform to give back.

Part of the world-famous group the Black Eyed Peas, apl.de.ap is one of the proudly Pinoy musicians who has become well-known in the international scene. Allan Pineda Lindo was born in Sapang Bato, Angeles City, Pampanga to a Filipina mother and an African-American father – a US airman stationed at the Clark Air Base. Raised by his mother, Cristina Pineda, and grandmother, Virginia Lindo, apl was the eldest of seven siblings. “I have memories of being on the farm with my grandfather,” he says.

Growing up, it took apl an hour-long jeepney ride to get to school, but even at a young age, he knew the value of education. “I just wanted to have an education,” he says. “In every Filipino family, the children always want to help the parents... that was my goal.” The Pearl S. Buck Foundation, an organization for orphaned and abandoned Amerasian children, supported his studies.

Apl first visited the US when he was 11 years old for an eye operation to treat nystagmus. Three years later, he was adopted and came to live in the US permanently. “It’s really important for me to give back, because I was adopted and given that opportunity, so I want to do the same thing.”

Aspiring to be a role model to underprivileged children, apl hopes to use his celebrity status to encourage them to value education and dream big, as he once did.

“I want to help out in two levels,” says the musician. On the local level, apl will have various projects in his hometown Angeles, in Pampanga. With the help of the Ayala Foundation through the Filipinas Heritage Library’s MyLibrary program, he will open a music studio and music library at Holy Angel University.

He poses with Manny Pacquiao, whom he considers one of his personal heroes.

The MyLibrary program highlights the need for more well-equipped public libraries in the country. As Vicky Garchitorena of the Philippine Development Foundation points out, good public libraries play a very important role in the development of the country. With apl’s advocacy, she adds, they have extended the MyLibrary concept to include his music library and studio, noting that this is an ideal way to entice children to learn, as Filipinos are naturally music lovers.

“Apl is a global icon,” she adds. “We see him as an example of transcending boundaries.”

“Students can learn instruments and computers,” apl says, noticably enthusiastic about the project. “I’m also building a computer lab in Sapang Bato where I grew up. I want them to be able to compete worldwide with technology.”

For his projects with nationwide reach, apl supports Project Second Home of the 57-75 Movement. The project addresses the problem of overpopulation in public schools all over the country. Second Home’s vision, says Cecile Alcantara, is to “provide school children with a haven where they can build their dreams and aspirations, a second home where parents can entrust their children.”

Apl.de.ap with Guillermo Luz of Ayala Foundation, Rafael Lopa of the Ninoy and Cory Aquino Foundation, Jaime Zobel de Ayala, Ballsy Aquino-Cruz, Victoria Garchitorena-Arpon of Philippine Development Foundation, Cecile Alcantara of the League of Corporate Foundations, and apl’s manger, Audie Vergara

Apl adds, “I want to share my talent and my time to help out and give back to the community.” He encourages both Filipinos and his foreign friends to support the projects. Even the Black Eyed Peas will lend a hand in raising funds and awareness for the cause.

In the future, apl hopes to take the project further by offering college scholarships. He also plans to bring his music library project beyond Angeles, to the rest of the country.

At a recent press conference, representatives from apl’s various partner organizations – Ballsy Aquino and Rafael Lopa of the Ninoy and Cory Aquino Foundation, Victoria Garchitorena of the Philippine Development Foundation, and Cecile Alcantara of the 57-75 Movement – all thanked apl for his much-welcome support of their worthy causes. It was especially providential, Lopa pointed out, for apl to be named ambassador of the iamninoy-iamcory movement, as the musician’s birthday is on November 28, the day after Ninoy’s.

The international celebrity with members of the Sapang Bato National High School music club.

Even chairman emeritus of the Ayala Foundation Jaime Zobel de Ayala was so inspired by apl that he gave an impromptu speech, telling apl, “You are exactly what I hope Filipinos will be – proud to be Filipino.”

As much as apl has inspired those who he supports, he is likewise inspired by the Filipino children and the promise of their future. In fact, he composed a song – an anthem that captures the spirit of the campaign – entitled People Power.

The song’s uplifting lyrics tells the listener: “You can be anything... You can be a leader, you can be a hero... All you got to do is dream.” Apl plans to get kids from Pampanga to record parts of the song. “I want their voices to be heard,” says apl, both literally and figuratively. Hopefully, the spirit of heroism will be as infectious as the song’s catchy tune and lyrics.

As for personal heroes, apl says readily, “Manny Pacquiao and of course, Ninoy,” as well as, surprisingly, Lapu-lapu. “He shows the strength of the Filipinos,” apl explains. “You can’t just walk all over us.”

Ayala Foundation chairman Jaime Zobel de Ayala praises apl for being proudly Filipino.

“Allan Pineda Lindo, Jr., has found the Filipino hero in himself,” said Lopa in his introduction to apl, lauding the musician for wanting to “make use of his gift of music to inspire young Filipinos to dream their dreams and to fulfill their potential as heroes in their own right.”

Through his music and humanitarian projects, apl.de.ap is well on his way to becoming a true Filipino hero.

For more information on Project Second Home, visit www.57-75.org or email [email protected].

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