ANYARE?: How is Siargao rebuilding over a year after Odette?

MANILA, Philippines — When Super Typhoon Odette (Rai) struck Siargao in December 2021, the energy of the island frequented by tourists dissipated.

The once lively surftown was reduced to a ghost town of debris.

A year later, how is Siargao rising from the devastation of Odette?

Tonight we ask: Anyare?

Join Xave Gregorio as he travels to Siargao and explores the island as it recovers from the disaster.

Catch the latest episode of Anyare? on Wednesday, February 14, 2023, on’s Facebook and YouTube accounts.


Disclosure: This show was made possible through the support of USAID's Sustainable Interventions for Biodiversity, Oceans, and Landscapes (SIBOL), which arranged transportation and accommodations for the reporting team. This show was produced following editorial guidelines and SIBOL did not have input on how the show would be produced.

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