Racism is not in the DNA of black Americans

As a black American living in the Philippines and married to a Filipina with our young child I was shocked by this article (“All lives matter,” Sketches, March 15). Most of the article describes racism and racist attacks by black Americans and it’s totally unfair and is innately biased.

First of all black Americans did not coin the popular phrase initiated by President Trump of the coronavirus as China Flu or Kung Flu and other derogatory slurs. Yes, there have been instances of racism or hate crimes committed by black Americans against Asians, but very very few. But I admit even one is one too many.

But this author literally blames most hate crimes on black people which is unfair. The majority of hate crimes against Asians in America has been committed by white Americans. Any police department in any state will confirm that statistical data. Black Americans do not have historical data that denote racist violent behavior towards any group of people.

There has to be underlying reasons to print something so outlandishly false. I saw the same thing in the US media…a preponderance to blame black Americans for Asian hate crimes. But why? Is it to influence people for political reasons when other powerful countries are courting and fighting for influence? So the whites cannot be blamed so you must blame the minorities. I hope if you disagree with my comment print the statistical data state by state in America and in neighboring Canada, and while you’re at it be honest and describe the racism that dark skin people face in the Philippines.

Hate is wrong no matter where it occurs. Ask any Asian college student or any that attended a major university in America who was racist towards them? I bet it was not black Americans. But black Americans must take on responsibility and reach out to our Asian community and neighbors. In Los Angeles there’s a black lawyer representing a Filipino family whose son was a military veteran who was fatally injured by police during a mental health wellness check. I do not know all the facts but I can assure you hate and racism is not in the DNA of black Americans. Even when there was war between the US and the Philippines there was a black American soldier who switched sides and fought along the Filipinos. He was later beheaded.

Please print facts and not stir a false narrative. – Washington George <washingtongeorge088@gmail.com>

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