Hoya madulidii

Scientific name: Hoya madulidii Kloppenburg

Family: Asclepiadaceae

English name: Madulid’s Hoya

Distribution: Surigao, Mindanao. Endemic.

Description: An epiphytic, high-climbing vine with long internodes. Petiole long and grooved. Leaves hairy on the underside, lanceolate, tip and base acute, margins recurved. Pedicel densely hairy. Flowers red, corolla to 3.8 cm in diameter, flat; column moist and spongy. Pollinaria with non keeled pollinia to 0.10 cm long. Fruit a capsule.

Habitat: In primary forest, about 120 m above sea level, hanging from trees over the river.

Economic uses: Highly ornamental.

Conservation status: Vulnerable.

Propagation: Vegetatively by stem cuttings and by seeds.

Conservation Notes: This endemic Hoya is still rare in cultivation in Philippine gardens although it has been reported in nurseries abroad. The plant is threatened by overcollection in its native habitat in the forests in Surigao and by habitat destruction. The species was named after me by Dale Kloppenburg an avid Hoya enthusiast who has been studying and describing numerous Philippine Hoyas since the 1980s.

For further information write to: Domingo A. Madulid, Philippine National Museum, Botany Division, P. Burgos St., Manila. Tel 5271218. Email: dmadulid@info.com.ph


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