Our tomorrows

Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on.  Luke 12:22

While we wouldn’t want to argue with Jesus, we may sometimes wonder if His words about worry are realistic (Luke 12:22). After all, shouldn’t we be concerned about tomorrow? Suppose we get laid off from work? Get sick? Isn’t fear that we won’t have bread and threads and shelter one of the strongest fear we have?

No words in any language can produce more anxiety than the question, “What if?” As we mutter them, we begin to imagine one bad possibility, then another, and then both had possibilities together. We don’t think about the fact that our needs have always been met in the past and that we have enough for today. There is always that uneasy dread that tomorrow our well may run dry.

While it is certainly wise to plan for the future, the imagined thirst of tomorrow, even though our well is full today, is one thirst that is unquenchable. Jesus taught that worrying about the future is futile. We shouldn’t be traumatized by what might happen or by what might be required of us. The imaginary need of tomorrow is one need that God cannot meet.

If God has give us food and drink enough for today, why not let Him worry about our tomorrows? — Haddon Robinson

Each day we learn from yesterday

Of God’s great love and care;

And every burden we must face

He’ll surely help us bear. — D. De Haan

READ: Luke 12:22-31

Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due.

The Bible in one year:

• Psalms 22-24

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