The miracle goes on

Their voice was heard; and their prayer came up to His holy dwelling place, to heaven. – 2 Chronicles 30:21-27

Did you ever think of a prayer meeting as a miracle? That thought came to my mind one evening at church after we divided into small prayer groups. As someone in each group prayed, I heard several people talking to God at the same time. It sounded like a jumble of words. But that’s the miracle. God was hearing each prayer – along with millions of others being lifted to Him around the world in many different languages.

For those of us who reach frustration levels when two children are talking to us at the same time, it is indeed a miracle that God can hear so many of His children simultaneously.

Consider the story of Hezekiah’s Passover celebration. He called for the Israelites to join him in Jerusalem for praise and prayer (2 Chronicles 30:1). Multitudes came for what turned into a two-week-long worship service. Huge numbers of people rejoiced and praised God at the same time (v.25). As the religious leaders prayed, "their voice was heard; and their prayer came up. . . to heaven" (v. 27).

The miracle goes on. Today, throughout the world, millions of people are praying to God. Let’s rejoice in knowing that He hears each prayer. – David C. Branon

God hears us when we call to Him,

He does not miss one voice;

The knowledge that He always hears

Should cause us to rejoice. – Sper

READ: 2 Chronicles 30:21-27

You’ll never get a busy signal on the prayer line to heaven.

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